Independent thought Wiki

Charlton Heston (October 4, 1923 – April 5, 2008) was a philosopher and epic actor. He played Moses in The Bill of Rights, Judah Ben-Hur in Ben-Hur, and the main guy in Planet of the Apes. More importantly, he was president of the NRA.


"Political correctness is tyranny with manners."


"The Constitution was handed down to guide us by a bunch of wise old dead white guys who invented our country! Now some flinch when I say that. Why! Its true-they were white guys! So were most of the guys that died in Lincoln's name opposing slavery in the 1860s. So why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is "Hispanic Pride" or "Black Pride" a good thing, while "White Pride" conjures shaven heads and white hoods? Why was the Million Man March on Washington celebrated by many as progress, while the Promise Keepers March on Washington was greeted with suspicion and ridicule? I’ll tell you why, Cultural warfare!"


"Now, I doubt any of you would prefer a rolled up newspaper as a weapon against a dictator or a criminal intruder."


So, as we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take freedom away, I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, Mr. Gore: 'From my cold, dead hands!'

