Independent thought Wiki

Bill Maher (born January 20, 1956) is a typical liberal who thinks hes funny when he reveals his own ignorance. He currently hosts Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO and was the previous host of Politically Incorrect, where he was an undercover agent for the PC police. Maher claims to be a libertarian who supports freedom although his political positions (legalization of drugs and gay marriage) make him seem more like a liberal who supports the spread of STDs. Real libertarians join the Tea Party.


Maher pestered good religious people to try and get them to join his atheist agenda.

This is an outrage[]

Maher called Sarah Palin a dumb twat. Yet if a conservative comedian called Michelle Obama a dumb twat, he would be arrested by the PC police and charged with a hate crime, and been subjected to frat boy pranks until they got a confession out of him, and then given the death penalty. If you dont believe that I have some land to sell you. This is just more double standards. The fact is that conservatives would never go after the First Lady and have only nice things to say about them, as we proved not only with Michelle Obama but with Hillary Clinton, who we were always really kind towards. Yet you insult Sarah Palin, who is the First Lady of our hearts? Stay classy libs. Freedom of speech inpingers. Scumbags.
